Hundeausrüstung Erkunden
Backpacking-Anleitung für Dich und deinen Hund
Wir haben den ultimativen Leitfaden für's Backpacking mit Hund zusammengestellt. Bist du bereit für euer nächstes Abenteuer?

Unsere besten Hunderucksäcke für's Backpacking
Eine Top-Auswahl für Hunde, die eine mehrtägige Wanderung unternehmen. Er hat das größte Fassungsvermögen unserer Rucksäcke, abnehmbare Satteltaschen und zwei zusammenklappbare 1-Liter-Wasserblasen.
Approach™ Rucksack
Viel Platz für Ausrüstung, die auf Ganztagswanderungen und sogar auf Wanderungen mit Übernachtung benötigt wird. Eine großartige Option, wenn die Packliste kürzer ist oder du die Last deines Hundes etwas leichter halten möchtest.
Frequently Asked Questions
With the right preparation and dog backpacking gear, you can set you and your dog up for a fun and memorable time in the backcountry. For starters, be sure to check out our guide on how to backpack with your dog. We always recommend checking in with your vet ahead of your trip for any questions you might have specific to your dog's health.
Just like humans, your canine needs to be properly equipped for their backcountry adventure. Here’s a starter list for the backpacking dog gear you should consider before your trip:
- Harness (high-visibility gear is a good idea for nights outside)
- Leash
- Pickup bags (always practice Leave No Trace)
- Collapsible bowl
- Boots
- Jacket or other warm layer
- Sleeping bag or pad
- Med kit
For the full list of dog backpacking gear and a deeper dive into planning your trip, read our how-to on backpacking with your dog.
When it comes to dog backpacking packs, it's best to keep the total carrying weight (including the pack and its contents) under 25% of your dog's body weight. You’ll want to go even lighter if your dog is just getting used to the pack. And, as always, it's a great idea to check in with your vet to make sure your dog is old enough or healthy enough to wear a pack.
Example: For a 45-pound (20-kg) dog, their pack should weigh no more than 11.25 pounds (5 kg) including food, water, gear, and the pack itself.