
Strapazierfähige, leichtgewichtige und bequeme Schwimmwesten für Hunde sind das I-Tüpfelchen in Sachen Wassersicherheit. Für alle Hunde, die es sich nicht nehmen lassen Herrchen und Frauchen auf dem See oder im Fluss zu begleiten.

Blue Dusk (407) Red Sumac (607) Wave Orange (807) Blue Dusk (407) Red Sumac (607) Wave Orange (807) Blue Dusk (407) Red Sumac (607) Wave Orange (807) Blue Dusk (407) Red Sumac (607) Wave Orange (807) Blue Dusk (407) Red Sumac (607) Wave Orange (807) Blue Dusk (407) Red Sumac (607) Wave Orange (807) Blue Dusk (407)
Float Coat™ Schwimmweste Für Hunde colors

Float Coat™ Schwimmweste Für Hunde

Sorgt für Auftrieb, sicher, reflektierend

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
6 Reviews
Sale-Preis EUR 125,90 €

A dog life jacket can be the key that opens up a world of water exploring for you and your dog. For dogs that love to (or are learning to love to) join their humans rafting, kayaking, boating, surfing, and paddle boarding, the Float Coat™ is the Ruffwear life jacket designed to be the best dog life jacket for your sidekick. It focuses on buoyancy and comfort that allows dogs to swim naturally, and performance and durability so your dog can focus on having a blast joining your water adventure. Because it’s a life jacket with a handle, you can easily assist your dog back on board whenever they go for a swim.

Frequently Asked Questions

With the Float Coat™ Dog Life Jacket, it works for both you and your dog. It’s buoyant, comfortable, and acts as a swim aid that supports your dog’s natural swimming movement and position. And the handle gives you an easy-grab feature to assist your dog back on your boat or board.

Short answer: no. And the best part is that you don’t have to with the Float Coat™. It’s designed gear from a dog’s perspective, with the performance and quality of our own human gear as inspiration. Because while we share a love of adventure with our dogs, our bodies are built differently, move differently, and have different needs.